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New England Chapter HIMSS (NE HIMSS)
Corporate Chapter Sponsorship Program (2006-2007)
The New England Chapter of the Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society (NE HIMSS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of healthcare information and management systems worldwide.
In 2005 the New England Chapter launched its first Corporate Sponsorship Program. We were overwhelmed with the support by the vendor community. It was through that support that we were able to celebrate our 20th anniversary and annual awards at a gala affair at no costs to our members, as well provide educational programs at reduced rates.
2006 brings a new challenge for our chapter. We have designated this year as “The Year of The Member”. Our goal is to continue focusing on the membership and targeting all programs towards fostering professional growth, developing relationships through networking opportunities, and the sharing of knowledge between members.
By becoming a Corporate Chapter Sponsor you can directly impact the experience of our membership.
Below is an explanation of the program and options for sponsorship. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please contact Brendan Fowkes at [email protected]. I welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the benefits of becoming a New England HIMSS Corporate Chapter Sponsor.
Best Regards,
Jay M. Tolchinsky
President, NE HIMSS
(781) 982-8400
[email protected]
July 2006 — June 2007
Sponsorship 1 Plans2
Diamond $3,000
- Recognition on web site and at all events as a New England Chapter Sponsor
- Web site front page rotation recognition
- Recognition in all NE HIMSS e-Newsletters
- Display table at all programs (not including social events)
- 2 complimentary passes for each program and 1 social event
- Participation in the Corporate Sponsorship Webinar Series (host 2 Webinars)
- Topic and presentation to be reviewed by NE HIMSS
- Webinar must be educational, non sales focused, and include a customer participant
- Sponsor will utilize their own web hosting technology
- NE HIMSS will advertise the webinar and provide the link as supplied by the sponsor
- Attendee list of all events (not including social events)
Platinum $2,000
- Recognition on web site and at all events as a New England Chapter Sponsor
- Web site front page rotation recognition
- Recognition in all NE HIMSS e-Newsletters
- Display table at 3 programs (not including social events)
- 1 complimentary pass for each program and 1 social event
- Attendee list of all events (not including social events)
Event Sponsor $500
- Sponsor recognition at the event and on all announcements for the event
The following options are available for an Event Sponsor to choose from:- Door Prizes
- Display (if available- corporate sponsors are given the first refusal)
- Food and beverage sponsor depending on the event (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner etc)
- 1 complimentary pass for program
- Attendee list of sponsored event
Online Corporate Sponsorship Application
Supporting Organization No Cost
NE HIMSS and the partnering organization collaborate to co-sponsor particular events. Each will honor “membership rates” respectively. The prospective Partner Association will place our events in their Newsletters or announcements, and New England HIMSS will agree to co-market in their e-mail, or direct mail communications.
Recognition in NE HIMSS e-Newsletter as a supporting organization
Recognition on the web site as a supporting organization
NE HIMSS realizes that some topics and events might not be of interest to all members and will have the option to opt-in or opt-out
Disclaimer: NE HIMSS Corporate Sponsorship Program is separate from the National HIMSS Sponsorship Program
1 It is not necessary for Corporations to be members of NE HIMSS in order to be a Corporate Sponsor.
2 Sponsorship plans apply to NE HIMSS events only and not co-sponsored events.
3 Recognition is defined as authorized Sponsor Logo and/or sponsor name.